Circles is a feature of Nexus QR8 that will help to ensure your content achieves the maximum visibility possible on LinkedIn.
In order to get your posts to be seen by as many people as possible it’s really important that you “trigger” the LinkedIn algorithm. We can’t claim to have any inside track on exactly how the LinkedIn algorithm works, that’s very true BUT we have identified a number of “tricks of the trade” that result in increased visibility for posts that meet certain criteria.
The folks over at LinkedIn keep the details about how their algorithm works to themselves but what we do know (from our own research and from reading what others have written on the topic) is that the engagement you get on your posts during the early stages of it being visible will determine the extent to which the post is shared more widely. What we mean by this is that LinkedIn appears to let a few people see a post initially and then, if the post receives engagement by way of likes and comments then it shows it to a few more of your connections and to those of your 1st degree connections (along with anyone that has commented or liked your post that you aren’t connected to). It’s a little bit of a dark art and of course LinkedIn are at liberty to change the way their algorythm at any point as they see fit so we can only tell you what we have seen works so far and of course if this changes we will do our best to update Nexus QR8 to ensure your content gets the widest visability possible.
The way we get your content boosted on LinkedIn using circles is to ensure that people that you already know and have a relationship with can be alerted when you post content on LinkedIn using Nexus QR8 (the Circle feature is a two way relationship so you will also be alerted when they post using Nexus QR8 too). When someone likes your post your content is exposed to a number of their contacts and you can start to get likes and comments from those outside your network too by using our Circles approach.
Please note: Because fo the way the LinkedIn API works we can only alert circle members if you post your content using the Nexus QR8 platform. If you post any content directly to your LinkedIn profile then your circles will not be alerted.
You can see the circles screen by clicking on “Engage” on the top level menu and then the “Circles” sub menu.
There are two types of Circle that you can be a member of:
Type | Details |
Your Circles | These are circles that you have created and manage |
Circle Memberships | These are circles created and managed by an`other Nexus QR8 user where you have been invited to join the circle |
To create a new circle
Click on the “Create Circle” button on the Circles page.
Enter the name of your circle in the “Name Your Circle” box.
Add email addresses of each of the people you want to invite in to this circle (one email address on each line - pressing return at the end of each line). (You don’t need to add yourself to the circle - as the Circle Creator you will be included automatically)
Once all of the email addresses are entered click on the “Create Circle” at the bottom of the pop up.
Each of those that you have invited will receive an email that will allow them to register on Nexus QR8 and accept your connection request.
We would strongly recommend that you speak to someone BEFORE you invite them in to a circle to explain to them what Nexus QR8 is and how it works and why you want to invite them in to a circle. You should only invite people in to a circle once you have ascertained with them that they intend to accept your invite. Please do not “spam” other users by randomly inviting people in to your circles.
You will see that those that are invited are shown as “pending” on the Circles page until they have accepted your invitation. Once the invitation is accepted their name is displayed in your circle (you can view their LinkedIn profile by clicking on their name once it is underlined).
To edit an existing circle
Click on the “Edit Circle” button on the Circles page next to the name of the circle you want to edit.
.To remove an individual from your group click on the “Remove” button next to that individuals name.
To revoke an invitation which is pending and which hasn’t yet been accepted click on the “Revoke” button next to the individuals name.
To resend an invitation to an individiual that hasn’t yet accepted an invitation click on the “Resend” button next othe individuals name (please be careful when using this feature - call them or message them on linkedin or send them an email and only invite people that have indicated they are happy to join your circle - we don’t want to encourage spamming)
To edit the name of an existing circle
It is not currently possible to change the name of an existing circle but this feature is currently under development and we expect to add this feature very soon.
Getting Started with Circles
Don’t go crazy to start with. Start by identifying just a few key people you think would be prepared to help you and ideally where you would like to help them too. Talk to them about Nexus QR8 and what you are doing and agree what you both expect from the relationship. Our preference is that this is informal and that users agree to support each other on a best efforts basis. We all have busy lives and this should be fun and not add pressure for users.
Our main obvective here is to find a way to get users engagement on their posts with the minimum effort and pressure. The number of suporting likes and comments you need to see an improvement in the performance of your posts isn’t as big as you may think it is. Getting between 10 and 20 likes and several comments can be enough to give your post a boost.
Read the detail above about Circles and then follow the instructions to add your circles (assuming you want to benefit from this feature). Circles are not mandatory - it’s totally up to you. We don’t limit how many people are in a circle or how many circles you have.
Email Notifications
You will be notified when a member of a circle you are part of posts using Nexus QR8. Noticiation emails are sent every 30 minutes but only if you have new content awaiting review. You can turn the email noticiations off using the settings menu if you so wish.