Welcome to Nexus QR8!

We’ve put together this very brief set of tasks that will help you get yourself set-up on Nexus QR8 as quickly as possible so you can start to post and see the benefits of improved engagement from the off.

If you haven’t done so yet then the “About Nexus QR8” page is great place to start before you move on here. It just gives you an outline as to why we have created the platform and what our overall vision is - the content if you like.

There are three distinct elements of the Nexus QR8 approach: Curate | Share | Engage

Curate: The focus here is on finding relevant content for you to allow you to either write your own original content or for you to share with some added commentary. We have added a Individual Relevance Score feature to ensure articles found for you are listed in order of their relevance. This section also includes the Subscriptions section of the platform which is where you configure your feeds and search terms. You can read more about the Curate section of the platform on the Curate help page.

Share: The share page is where you can see the articles you have scheduled for posting on Linkedin. You can change the schedule for a post, arrange for it to be posted again with a different date/time or cancel the posting. You can also create a manual post here too. You can read more about the Share section of the platform on the Share help page.

Engage: This is where the magic happens. Here you will see content from those that you are circles with and you can view the post from here (in LinkedIn) and like and comment via the Nexus QR8 platform directly. This is the area of the platform where you will likely see the most immediate further development where for example we are hoping to add content here for you to review and comment on relating to hashtags that you follow as these may well be of interest to you (and may provide additional comment for you to share and new feeds/searches for you to add). You can read more about the Engage section of the platform on the Engage help page.

The following tasks will run you through each of the key elements of the configuration in these areas to get you up and running:

  • Task1: Set up your Feed and Search Subscriptions. Visit the Subscriptions help page for more guidance on this.

  • Task 2: Set up your Hashtag subscriptions. Visit the Hashtags help page for more guidance on this.

  • Task 3: Set up your Circles. Visit the Circles help page for more detailed guidance on this.

For each of the above tasks we have added some guidance notes at the bottom of each of the linked pages headed “Getting Started with (topic)” so you can see exactly what you need to prioritise to get up and running quickly.

That’s your Nexus QR8 initial configuration complete. You can revisit any of these pages to add more feeds and/or searches or remove any that you don’t want any more. You can also add and remove hashtags and join and leave circles. Guidance for each of these activities can be found on the relevant page.

You are now ready to start using nexus and there are two areas we would suggest you focus initially:

  • Posting content (see the guidance at the bottom of the Curation help page.

  • Engaging with content from others (see the Engagement help page for further guidance).

We hope this guidance has been useful but we do of course want to continuously improve it so any feed back you have would be most welcome.